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Our competencies > Labor law

We create structure in labor law

Our labor law experts always keep abreast of the latest legal developments. We have been advising national and multinational corporations, as well as small and medium-sized businesses, on all issues related to labor and social law for many years. Our tailored solutions provide you with the flexibility that is required to quickly respond to the new demands of today’s work environment.

At the same time, they also create the ideal basis for ensuring long-term and successful collaborations with your employees. We will represent you before all courts and government agencies. Our experienced experts are also ready to assist you in your negotiations with works councils, unions or other interest representations. When it comes to cross-border situations, you can rely on the extensive legal expertise of our consultants and our global network. You benefit from short coordination processes with our experts using e-mail or telephone, as well as rapid and reliable information that is essential particularly in the context of your daily work.

Our services

  • Development, revision and reformulation of employment and service contracts, and advice for selecting the appropriate form of employment
  • Termination of employment, dismissals, amicable dissolution of employment
  • Employee participation models
  • Consulting services and design of company agreements, working time models, remuneration systems, mobile working and home office
  • Advice for restructuring and transactions, particularly with regard to transfers of operations and due diligence audits
  • Compliance under labor law and labor criminal law, in particular advisory services and representation in administrative penalty proceedings (wage and social dumping, breaches of working hours, employment of foreigners, AÜG (Temporary Employment Act) etc.)
  • Representation in proceedings before labor courts
  • International work assignments and situations involving foreign elements, employment of foreign nationals, internships, secondments and temporary labor assignments, employment permits and approvals under labor market law
  • On-going advisory services for internal human resources departments regarding all issues pertaining to labor law – from the start to the end of employment
  • Customised in-house workshops and training for managers


  • We for you
  • Johannes Edthaler
    Attorney | Partner
  • Christina Hödlmayr
    Attorney | Partner
  • Valentina Bier
    Legal Expert
Let's get in touch!